This tag is one that has been going around Youtube quite a lot recently, and so basically what the tag is, is all of your 'first things', experiences or things you owned or said all for the first time. I don't think I described that very well, but you'll see now now.
Here it goes...
The first concert that I went to was Billy Joel. Its funny because I was very young (well to go to a concert of his), I think about 10/11 and at the time I didn't know any of his music really. And its weird because now I love him and would have loved to go to the concert when I could properly remember it and knew the songs. But anyway, that was it and I still enjoyed it. I felt very grown up and yeah, it was quite exciting I guess.
I have no idea what the first CD I ever listened to was, my mom used to make loads of mixed CDs with songs she liked and that's part of why I know so much old (60s-80s) music. But the first CD that I ever bought with my own money, was, as embarrassing as it is, a 'Barbie Summer Days' mixed Cd, or something like that. I don't remember a single song that was on it, but it was one of those general CDs (like the child equivalent to the 'Now's) with a whole lot of songs on it- songs by The Spice Girls, Hamster Dance, those type of thing are the only memories I have of what was on it, but I loved it to bits. My best friend had the 'pink' series and I had the 'blue' series and together we knew every song backwards.
As far as I remember, my first fear was being scared of the dark. It was pretty bad too. Until I was 7, I shared a room with my younger brother because we lived in a small house with my parents and us before my other two siblings were born. So going into my own room was something I remember being absolutely terrified of. The ceiling was dark wood, which is pretty normal, but for some reason I hated it and thought that snakes and bad things could hide there (yes, clearly a bit of a wild imagination). So I was scared to turn out the light and not see the ceiling or what was around me. Even after we painted the ceiling white, I still was scared of the dark. I literally fell asleep with the light outside my window on the patio, the passage light outside my door and my bed side lamp all on. That is soo bright, I honestly don't know how I fell asleep! It's weird because now, I am actually still a bit afraid of absolute pitch pitch darkness. I could never sleep in such light, but when I got to bed, I like to leave my door a crack open, or something like that. But being immersed in darkness so dark that you can't even see when you're holding your hand up in front of you, still kind of freaks me out a bit.
It was a knitted sailor doll called Sally that my grandpa (if I remember correctly) bought for me. I wouldn't quite call it a rag doll, and it was fairly big, but that type of thing. I was a girl dressed in a sailor outfit with a white hat, and yeah that's about all I remember of it, from what my mom tells me. We still actually have it hidden somewhere in the house, probably in a box of old things, but nonetheless, it is here somewhere.
I don't know who it was like before the age of 12, but after that I think it was Alex Pettyfer. I can't say I disapprove of my younger self's attraction, although it would definitely not be him now. But anyway, I think it was him, I liked his British accent and loved the movie Wild Child, that he was in.
I was about 4 I think and my parents, younger brother (the others weren't born yet) and I went to England. I don't remember very much at all. I have faint memories of going to lego land, of staying at a very pretty house in Oxford that had a pond with ducks in the garden and also some recollection of being at the airport- but that's about all I remember. I also remember going on one of those canal boats, I think that was in Yorkshire... but not sure. Although looking through photos, it looks like we had a lot of fun, and it was our first proper family trip.