Thursday, 24 December 2015

Tis Was the Night Before Christmas

It's Christmas eve, well officially Christmas actually, its now like 1am here. But I don't think it counts as Christmas till you've woken up on Christmas morning and looked through your stocking (yes, at 20 I still get a stocking and plan on doing so for at least another 10 years, haha), put on some carols and sat with the family opening presents, ahh so much excitement to wake up tomorrow morning!

Anyway, the reason I made this post was because I was just feeling excited for tomorrow and reflecting back on the festive season, which got me thinking back on the year in general, and basically I am just feeling really incredibly grateful for all that I have and for the fact that Christmas has this universal power to somehow unite a huge percentage of the world for one day, which is something I find really special. So basically I just wanted to say merry Christmas to all of you out there, I really hope it's a special day!

I came across this truly lovely quote the other day, and so will leave it here as a final thought before I go to sleep and can rise and shine in the morning- night guys, lots of love...

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