So I posted a couple of weeks about my move to varsity (for all of you from other places around the world, this seems obvious, but varsity or university is the same thing as your college), and what an adjustment it's been. I have had to work so hard and quite a few times I've found myself feeling super panicked and exhausted with having so little free time. A few nights ago, I was in such a state about all the work I had to do and I was on the verge of tears because I was just so anxious for everything. I went on Pinterest as a break for 2 seconds and this little post popped up on my feed. It basically gave a whole bunch of statistics about good things happening to people right now. And it just made me feel really happy and I realised that I should stop worrying. I don't know, it didn't make my work load any less of anything, but I just feel so excited about life when I read these sort of things. I think it's an amazing thought that right now, at this very second, so many people are feeling absolutely overjoyed, or experiencing something really special. All of these stats are just for the US and so can you imagine how many more there would be if they considered the entire world!!
Today there will be:
5000 weddings
10 000 babies born
and 42 million hugs.
At least 4 people will win the multi-million dollar lotteries.
600 people will get job promotions
and 3000 people will loose their virginity.
There will also be at least 600 homeless dogs adopted and 35000 balloon sold.
800 000 packets of skittles will be bought.
And the words "I Love You" will be said up to 9 million times.
Even if it's not happening to me, I find it so exciting that somewhere, someone is absolutely overjoyed, or head-over-heels in love or telling their family something incredible. And while the best parts of life are when we get to add to these statistics, by being on of those people winning the lottery, or having a child or even just saying "I Love You" and truly meaning it, for the days when we don't get to do these things, it's a pretty great feeling to know billions of people out there do get to today.
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