I thought long and hard about whether or not to make this post. Because part of me was wondering if this is the type of this I should be posting and if it's weird to post my new year's resolutions on the internet for everyone in the world to see. So I was definitely a bit hesitant to post this, but the reason why I am, comes down to the reason I actually started my blog in the first place. I have never really been able to pursue things like journals or diaries because I always just feel a bit silly writing to myself (I am just that type of person, obviously there is nothing wrong with diaries, I always just stop myself half way and think 'what are you doing' writing all this stuff to yourself). So I started this blog because it gave me a chance to post about fun things like baking, etc. but also about things that I might write in a journal.
Anyway, sorry about the little ramble but anyway, I decided to post my new year's resolutions here, because then next year I can look back and see what I have achieved this year, and also, I feel like I need to write them down for me to take them seriously (if that makes sense). I am definitely a 'resolutions' type of girl, meaning that I like to set goals and things like that. So here are my resolutions for 2014.

That sounds weird, but it seemed to be the best way to phrase it. What I mean is that I want to, in general, be healthier. I want to drink more water, and eat less sugar. I also include in this category, taking better care of my teeth and skin and everything like that. For example, I really want to be thorough with things like washing my face and taking off make-up everyday, and that sort of thing. I'd also like to exercise more and just in general be nice and healthy.

This is a big thing for me, because I really have been feeling that I lack it in so many ways. For 2014, I would like to be confident with who I am and how I look and be happy with what I have. I want to stop caring so much about what people think and be confident that people will like me for who I am. I also want to be more confident in social situations. It's funny because I'm not naturally a shy person, especially not in front of my friends, but around people I've never met, or in awkward situations, I am really shy and I think it can come off unfriendly, which is the last thing I want. I also want to be more confident in terms of being 'good enough' and more optimistic.

I am such a slow reader and so I practically never read. But I always love it and get so into my book when I do, even though I barely read more that 2 a year. But I really would like to push myself to read more. I believe the reading really does give you so much knowledge and it is just something that I would like to try and do more this year.
Anyone who knows me well knows that I can barely sit still and I fidget all the time. I really think this is a bad habit that probably annoys people a bit. I also play with my hair ALL the time, and it is really something I want to stop.
This year is a big year for me because I am starting at university and leaving behind school. I am moving to the other side of the house away from my family, so I can be a bit more independent and a lot of my friends are off on gap years or at other universities. So change has definitely come, and I want to embrace it. Make new friends, travel, try new things and be completely open to what life brings (as cheesy as that sounds).
So there you have it, my new year's resolutions for 2014. Like I said, this post had a lot to do with me and just wanting to have these down. But anyway, I hope you enjoyed it. I am so excited for 2014 and I know it will be incredible, I hope it is for all of you too!
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