Let me get straight into it! These are my favourites for make-up, beauty and anything else that I loved last year!
MAKE-UPI have absolutely loved the 'Essence Pureskin Anti-spot Compact Powder'. I just use it as a matte powder to put over base and/or concealer, and it always just leaves such a nice glow and makes the concealer last so much longer. My colour is 'sand 02' which I have found perfect because it works when I am pale and when I get a bit tanned. Also, Essence is a very cheap brand, so this was just such a bargain and very affordable.
I have also really enjoyed the 'Yardley Oatmeal 2-in-1 Blemish Stick Concealer'. It is just so easy to use in a stick form like this and it also helps to heal the spots and stuff, so it is very good. My only complaint is that the coverage is quite weak, so when I am having a 'bad skin day' its a little light, but otherwise I have really liked it.
I had to really think about this one because I love to use beauty products like body scrubs, creams, bath bombs and all that, which all fall into this category. So I decided that my 2013 favourite beauty product is the Body Shop's new 'Honeymania Cream Body Scrub'. I got given a small tub of this before Christmas and I have just fallen in love with it, and am most certainly going back to buy the bigger version when this one runs out. What I like about it, is that it is a scrub, so it is super super good for your skin, and exfoliates it, but because its a cream scrub, its also very smooth and silky when you wash it off, and it just looks all buttery and amazing and moisturising. And then there's the smell. I can't even describe exactly how it smells (surprisingly, not really like honey) but its delicious and sweet but not fruity, I don't know, definitely go take a whiff next time you're at the Body Shop.
It's so funny because I very very rarely go to The Body Shop anymore, and this year, the few times I've walked in, I have found amazing beauty products. I got a bit sick of them for a while, but I really forgot what good quality stuff they have! My second favourite beauty product is the 'Body Shop Hemp Lip Conditioner'. It is designed for very very dry lips, and it really does its job brilliantly. It never fails to help my lips when they are chapped and dry, especially in winter, and it lasts for a long time before you need to reapply it.
The other beauty products I've just loved this year are from Lush, but I'm not going to post pictures or products yet cause I am planning on posting about my huge Lush haul very soon!
There wasn't actually one specific skin product that I loved this year. I mixed and matched a lot of the time, and wasn't blown away by anything. Although, I have really been enjoying the 'Environ Original Pre-Cleanser' as an eye make-up remover, as it is super oily, so just wipes off all heavy eye make-up.
To anyone who knows me, this will come as no surprise, as I have worn the same perfume since about 2011, but I just really love it. I also have pretty bad allergies and hay fever, etc... so I struggle to find a perfume that doesn't make me sneeze whenever I smell it, and this one doesn't. It's the 'Brittany Spears Fantasy Perfume in Pink'. It was given to me as a gift when I first got it and I was really sceptical of a perfume by Brittany Spears called Fanatsy, with a pretty kitch bottle, but the smell has really impressed me. Although, on that note, she released it in a pink and blue bottle, and I think the blue smells horrible (personally), and so that's a bit odd, but they smell very different, and I love the pink. I do want to try to look for a new fragrance this year though, just because I feel I'm being a bit boring.

pretty things there. Another shop that I've loved (it's actually a branch of Cotton On) is a stationary and 'bits-and-bobs' shop called Typo. They just have the coolest decor and little odds and ends to decorate your room with, as well as really nice diaries, note books, pens, that type of thing. The last shop that I really completely fell in love with last year is Lush. I think it's originally British, but it opened here in 2012, and I properly discovered it last year and have practically tried every product. They make the best and most exciting bath products and everything just smells so so so amazing!
I really loved high-waisted shorts. People only really started wearing them last year, so I bought myself a pair from Topshop, and have just absolutely loved them. They are so comfortable, but also very pretty with little crop tops, and I've just really liked them.
I couldn't decide, because I saw so many good movies last year. But I think I can tie it down to either 'The Great Gatsby' or 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower'. They are both so different, but I loved both. For The Great Gatsby, it helped that I'd just read the book as well, but I loove Leo DiCaprio and paired with a great director, I just loved it. It was very showy but I just thought that it was so well done, and all the actor/resses did a truly amazing job. For The Perks of Being a Wallflower, the acting was also amazing! But it was the story line and plot that really caught me off-guard. I hadn't read the book and so I didn't know what happened before, and I just loved it and it was just a really different and inspirational movie.
Oh where to begin? I definitely can't just narrow it down to one artist or one song, so here are some of my favourite artists from 2013 and in brackets, the songs I liked the most (although I've only included songs they released from 2013, there are loads of others I love form other years): Bastille (Daniel in the Den, Flaws, Oblivion, Things We Lost in the Fire, Laura Palmer, Icarus, These Streets, Pompeii), Glee did some amazing covers in 2013 too (Mine, Wide Awake, Seasons of Love, Make You Feel My Love, Here Comes The Sun, Whistle, Love Song), Matthew Mole (You and Your Crown, It's Simple Child, Take Yours Take Mine, Have I Told You), One Direction (The Story of My Life, Best Song Ever, One Way or Another), Alex and Sierra (They won XFactor USA, and all their covers are brilliant), MKTO (Classic, Goodbye Song, Thank You, Summer Paradise) and Macklemore and Ryan Lewis (Thrift Shop and Same Love).
My favourite book last year was 'The Great Gatsby'. I must admit that I read very few books, if you saw my New Year's resolutions post, you'll see that I am going to try and read more this year, but yeah, The Great Gatsby is famous for a reason, it really is so so brilliantly written and makes a comment on The American Dream that, when it comes down to it, is so true.
It would probably be easier just to refer you to my post on this that I did a few months back. But the shows I loved last year (brace yourself, these are my favourite, I'd pick a tv show over movies any day, so there are a lot) are New Girl, Hawaii Five-O, NCIS LA, America's Next Top Model, Australia's Next Top Model, The Big Bang Theory, Grey's Anatomy, Pretty Little Liars, Cougar Town, Glee, The Bachelor/The Bachelorette, Modern Family, The Mentalist, 90210 and there are more, but I've either forgotten them, or they aren't classified as my 'favourites'.
My favourite holiday in 2013 was absolutely undoubtedly when my family and I went to Mauritius in June. It was the perfect beach holiday and I got to do amazing things like parasail, snorkel, swim with dolphins, waterski and just had a really relaxing time there.
And so those are my 2013 favourites! If you'd like to do this tag, it's not mine, so feel free to do it on your own blog or Youtube channel, let me know in the comments if you do, I'd love to see what everyone else enjoyed last year.
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